
Sy’s Books:

Science and Faith in Harmony: Contemplations on a Distilled Doxology

(Kregel, 2024)

by Sy Garte, Ph.D. — Foreword by Sean McDowell


The Works of His Hands: A Scientist’s Journey from Atheism to Faith

(Kregel, 2019)

by Sy Garte Ph.D. — Foreword by Alister McGrath


“A New Christian meets New Atheism” by Sy Garte. Chapter 1 in Coming to Faith Through Dawkins,

(Kregel 2023) Edited by Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath.



Free signed bookplates and an index for The Works of His Hands on request

See Contact Page for details.


Click on the book cover below to order Science and Faith in Harmony

Click on the book cover below to order the award-winning book, The Works of His Hands

Click on the cover below to order Coming to Faith Through Dawkins

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Great are the works of the Lord; studied by all who delight in them.

The works of his hands are faithful and just;
    all his precepts are trustworthy.

—Psalm 111:2,7