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NEW BOOK: Beyond Evolution: How New Discoveries in the Science of Life Point to God (Tyndale, Release in August, 2025)

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The mainstream science of biology is not only compatible with Christian faith but is a strong evidential pointer to God’s majesty. Highlighting exciting new research on cognition-based evolution, and the reality of purpose-driven agency in all of life.

“This book graciously and simply explains why and how evolution is a critically important factor for understanding the development of Earth’s life, but why it’s not the only factor. Sy Garte explains why, in many instances of the origin and history of life, the divine hand of God creates, designs, and guides. Sy shows how biology will most productively advance with a both-and, not an either-or, approach. I highly endorse this book and believe it should be required reading for every biology student and church leader.”

HUGH ROSS, PhD, pastor, astrophysicist and founder and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe

“The Berlin Wall of evolution fell, but there were no reports in the media. The iron curtain between faith and science has lifted. Sy’s book heralds the new era.”  

PERRY MARSHALL, author of Evolution 2.0  

“In this thoughtful and well-written book the author describes how concepts such as “purpose,” a word long banned in evolutionary discourse, have now come back into the biological mainstream. Delving into the biggest questions that biology yet has to resolve, Sy Garte sees God’s creative work in the whole of life, from beginning to end, not somehow located in the current gaps in our scientific understanding. Those of any faith or none will find much here to stimulate thought and to inspire.”

DENIS ALEXANDER, PhD, emeritus fellow of St Edmund’s College, Cambridge University, and emeritus director of The Faraday Institute for  Science and Religion

 “A devout Christian and a highly accomplished biochemist, Sy Garte has become one of the most important voices in the science-faith conversation today. And one of the more interesting. And he doesn’t disappoint in his latest work. In my view, it is imperative for anyone interested in the science-faith conversation, particularly for those of us who barter in the life sciences, to carefully consider Garte’s powerful points in Beyond Evolution. Garte challenges both Christian and atheistic biologists to reconsider biological evolution in the face of emerging insights about the nature of the evolutionary process. Doing so just may turn your thinking about the living world upside down. Garte points out that a revolution is underway in biology with long-forbidden concepts—such as teleology, agency, and cognition— pushing their way to the forefront. According to Garte, these insights mean that biological evolution should no longer be considered a threat to the faith of Christians and should no longer serve as the basis for atheists to dismiss a Creator’s role in life’s origin and history”.

FAZALE “FUZ” RANA, PhD, biochemist and president and CEO of Reasons to Believe 

“For too long, biologists have tried to reduce life to chemistry and physics. Garte exposes the futility of that project and makes their dead biology come to life. He shows how purpose, goals, agency, choice— and even love—are characteristics of living things that cannot be reduced away. If created reality at its most basic is just atoms and the void, it’s not difficult to see why atheism is attractive to some people. But in Garte’s inventory of the fundamental constituents of the universe, life and its capacities are counted among them. That doesn’t prove their origin is an Author and Giver of Life, but it certainly points us in that direction.”

JIM STUMP, PhD, author of The Sacred Chain, vice president of BioLogos, and host of The Language of God podcast 

“In Beyond Evolution, Garte presents a compelling case for a fundamental teleology in the biological realm. Regardless of one’s position on evolutionary theory or the biblical creation narrative, there is much of value to be gleaned from this concise volume. It is a fascinating and insightful contribution to the science and faith conversation.”

MELISSA CAIN TRAVIS, PhD, fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture  

“Beyond Evolution is a watershed book that widens and deepens the conversation on the science of biology and its relationship to belief in God. Many see these two as having a more checkered relationship than, say, for the physical sciences. But Garte encourages us that it need not be so, and that new developments in the field of biology point ever more strongly to a “divine creator.” Beyond Evolution is expertly written and beautifully crafted. I highly recommend that you read it.

SHARON DIRCKX, PhD, speaker, broadcaster, former neuroscientist, and author of Am I Just My Brain?


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