
I. Publications on Science and Faith, and other Recent Publications.

*Peer Reviewed

*S. Garte, P. Marshall, and S. Kauffman. “The Reasonable Ineffectiveness of Mathematics in the Biological Sciences. Entropy Biology.” 27(3), 280; 2025

*Garte, Seymour. “Accurate phenotypic self-replication as a necessary cause for biological evolution.” Biosystems (2024): 105154.

*Garte, S. “Evolutionary Creation Does Not Fail: A Response to ‘No Homo: Why Theistic Evolution Fails’.” BioCosmos: New perspectives on the origin and evolution of life 4.1 (2024): 36-38.

Garte, S Assembly Theory and Abiogenesis God and Nature Winter 2023

*Garte, S. Targeted Hypermutation as a Survival Strategy: A Theoretical Approach. Acta Biotheor 71, 20 (2023).

Garte, S. I Hated The People Who Bullied Me Premier Christianity May 12, 2023

Garte, S.  I was Indoctirnated to Despise Christians. Then I Became One. Premier Christianity, April 20 2023

*Garte S. Continuity, Simplification, and Paradigm Shifting in Biological Evolution. Perspectives in Science and Christian Faith.  74:149-155, 2022.

Garte S. Sandpipers and Teleology God and Nature Summer 2022

Garte, S. Good Friday. Fathom Magazine Mar. 28, 2022.

*Garte, S. Evidence for Phase Transitions in Replication Fidelity and Survival Probability at the Origin of Life. BioCosmos 1:2-10, 2021.

*Garte, S. The Continuity Principle and the Evolution of Replication Fidelity. Acta Biotheoretica. 69:303–318, 2021.

Garte, S. Purpose, Evolution and Self-Replication. Biologos, Sept 11, 2020

Garte, S. “The Mysteries Science Couldn’t Unlock” Christianity Today. Vol. 64, No. 2, Pg 88, March 2020

Garte, S. From Generational Atheism to Community in Christ: A Scientist’s Journey. Biologos Dec. 3 2019

Garte S, “As We Forgive Those…” More to Life Magazine, Dec. 1 2019

Garte, S., Albert, A. Genotype Components as Predictors of Phenotype in Model Gene Regulatory Networks. Acta Biotheor 67, 299–320 (2019). 

Garte S. Teleology in Evolution. God and Nature. Spring, 2018 Link.

Garte S. The Genetics and Theology of Race God and Nature. Winter, 2018. Link

*Garte S, Albert A The Role of Genotype in the Predictability of Dynamical Behavior in Complex Model Gene Regulatory Networks. J Theor Comput Sci 4: 155. 2017 doi:10.4172/2376-130X.1000155  Link

*Garte S. Teleology and the Origin of Evolution.  Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. Volume 69:42-50 March 2017. PSCF3-17Garte

*Garte S.  New Ideas in Evolutionary Biology: From NDMS to EES. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 68:3-11, 2016. gartepscf2016  

Garte S. and Albert A. Evolution is Still Not a Theory in Crisis, but Neo-Darwinism Might Be. A review of  Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton Guest Blog at February 09, 2016. (copy on request, please use contact page)

Garte S. God and the New Evolutionary Biology God and Nature Magazine. American Scientific Affiliation. Winter 2016. Link  

 Garte S. and Albert A.  Review of A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History by Nicholas Wade, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 67:1, 68, 2015. gartealbertpscf2015

*Garte S. Evolution and Imago Dei Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 65:242-244, 2013. gartepscf2013

Garte, S. Science and Scientism in Biology God and Nature Magazine. American Scientific Affiliation. Winter 2013. Link  

Garte, S. Adam and the Origin of Man God and Nature Magazine. American Scientific Affiliation.Summer 2012. Link  

Garte, S. Evolution and Imago Dei  God and Nature Magazine.American Scientific Affiliation.Fall 2012. Link  

II. Publications from before 2010 (Science only)

All peer reviewed. h-Index = 60

Reprints (pdf) of any of the following are available on request (please use contact page). 

Dallal C,  Garte S, Ragin C, Chen J, Lloyd S,  Modugno F, Weissfeld J, Taioli E. Plasma Leptin levels, LEPR Q223R Polymorphism and Mammographic Breast Density: a cross-sectional study. Int J Biol Markers. 28(2): 161–167. 2013

Ragin C, Minor A,Agudo A, Farmer P, Garte S, Gonzales C, Kalina I, Matullo P, Popov T, Palli D , Peluso M, Riccieri F, Sram R, Vineis P,  Taioli E. Pooled analysis of studies on DNA adducts and dietary vitamins. Mutat Res. 705(2):77-82  2010

Garte S. Human population genetic diversity as a function of SNP type from HAPMAP data. Am J Hum Biol. 22(3):297-300. 2010

Taioli E, Im A, Xu X, Veenstra TD, Ahrendt G,  Garte S. Comparison of estrogens and estrogen metabolites in human breast tissue and urine. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 8:93-99 2010.

 Taioli  E, Ragin C, Wang X, Chen J, Langevin SM, Gaudi AR, Gollin SM, Garte S, Sobol RW. Recurrence in oral and pharyngeal cancer is associated with quantitative MGMT promoter methylation. BMC Cancer, 9:354 2009

Im A, Vogel V, Ahrendt G, Lloyd S, Garte S, Ragin C, Taioli E. Urinary estrogen metabolite in patients at high risk for breast cancer.. Carcinogenesis. 30:1532-5. 2009

Vaissière T, Cuenin C, Paliwal A, Vineis P, Hoek G, Krzyzanowski M, Airoldi L, Dunning A, Garte S, Malaveille C, Overvad K, Clavel-Chapelon F, Linseisen J, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A, Trichopoulos D, Kaladidi A, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-De-Mesquita H, Peeters P, Kumle M, Gonzalez C, Martinez C, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Navarro C, Quiros J, Berglund G, Janzon L. Jarvholm B, Day N, Key T, Saracci R, Kaaks R. Riboli E, Hainaut P, Herceg Z. Quantitative analysis of DNA methylation after whole bisulfitome amplification of a minute amount of DNA from body fluids. Epigenetics. 4:221-30. 2009

Pesatori AC, Garte S, Popov T, Georgieva T, Panev T, Bonzini M, Consonni D, Carugno M, Goldstein BD, Taioli E, Fontana V, Stagi E, Bertazzi PA,  Merlo DF. Early effects of low benzene exposure on blood cell counts in Bulgarian petrochemical workers. Med Lav. 100:83-90, 2009

Sram RJ, Farmer P, Singh R, Garte S, Kalina I, Popov TA, Binkova B, Ragin C, Taioli E. Effect of Vitamin Levels on Biomarkers of Exposure and Oxidative Damage – The EXPAH Study. Mutation Research 672  129–134, 2009

Okobia MN, Bunker CH, Garte SJ, Zmuda JM, Ezeome ER, Anyanwu SNC, Uche EEO, Osime U,  Ojukwu J, Kuller LK,  Ferrell RF, Taioli E Cytochrome P450 1B1 Ile432Val Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk in Nigerian Women. Infect Agent Cancer.;4 Suppl 1:S12. 2009

Ragin CR, Dallal C, Okobia M, Jiangying Chen J, Garte S, Taioli E Leptin levels and leptin receptor polymorphism frequency in healthy populations. J. Infect.Diseases and Cancer, Infect Agent Cancer. 4 Suppl 1:S13. 2009

Okobia MN, Bunker CH, Garte SJ, Zmuda JM, Ezeome ER, Anyanwu SN, Uche EE, Kuller LH, Ferrell RE, Taioli E Leptin receptor Gln223Arg polymorphism and breast cancer risk in Nigerian women: A case control study. BMC Cancer, 8:338. 2008

Dougherty D, Garte S, Barchowsky A, Zmuda J, Taioli E , NQO1, MPO, CYP2E1, GSTT1 and Gstm1 Polymorphisms and Biological Effects of Benzene Exposure-a Literature Review. Toxicol Lett. 182(1-3):7-17. 2008

Garte S. “Individual Susceptibility and Gene Environment Interaction.” In Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (C. Wild, P. Vineis, S. Garte eds)  Wiley Press, London,.55-70, 2008

Vineis P,  Garte S. “Biomarker Validation” In: Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (C. Wild, P. Vineis, S. Garte eds)  Wiley Press, London, pp. 71-82, 2008

Wild C. , Garte S. and Vineis P. “Introduction”Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (Wild C, Vineis P and Garte S eds) Wiley Press, London,  2008.

Peluso M, Airoldi L, Munnia A, Colombi A, Veglia F, Autrup H, Dunning A, Garte S, Gormally E, Malaveille C, Matullo G, Overvad K, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Clavel-Chapelon F, Linseisen J, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Peeters P, Kumle M, Agudo A, Martínez C, Dorronsoro M, Aurelio Barricarte A, Tormo MJ, Quiros JR, Berglund G, Janzon L, Jarvholm B, Day N, Key T, Saracci R, Kaaks R, Riboli E, Bingham S and Vineis P.  Bulky DNA adducts, 4-aminobiphenyl haemoglobin adducts and diet in the EPIC prospective study.  British Journal of Nutrition 14:1-7.  2008.

Phillips DH and Garte S.  Smoking and breast cancer: is there really a link? Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 17(1):1-2. 2008

Lumbreras B, Garte S Overvad K, Tjonneland A, Clavel-Chapelon F, Linseisen J P, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Peluso M, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-De-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Lund E, Martinez C, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Chirlaque M-D, Quiros JR, Berglund G, Hallmans G, Day NE, Key TJ, Saracci R, Kaaks R, Malaveille C, Ferrari P, Boffetta P,  Norat T, Riboli E, Gonzalez CA Vineis P. Meat intake and bladder cancer in a prospective study: a role for heterocyclic aromatic amines? Cancer Causes and Controls. 19(6):649-56, 2008.

Garte S, Taioli E, Popov T, Bolognesi C, Farmer P, Merlo F. Genetic Susceptibility To Benzene Toxicity In Humans. J. Toxicology and Environmental Health. 71(22):1482-9, 2008.

Manuguerra M, Matullo G, Veglia F, Autrup H, Dunning AM, Garte S, Gormally E, Malaveille C, Guarrera S, Polidoro S, Saletta F, Peluso M, Airoldi L, Overvad K, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Clavel-Chapelon F, Linseisen J, Boeing H, Trichopoulos D, Kalandidi A, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-De-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Lund E, Pera G, Martinez C, Amiano P, Barricarte A, Tormo MJ, Quiros JR, Berglund G, Janzon L, Jarvholm B, Day NE, Allen NE, Saracci R, Kaaks R, Ferrari P, Riboli E, Vineis P.Multi-factor dimensionality reduction applied to a large prospective investigation on gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. Carcinogenesis. 28(2):414-22. 2007

Garte S, Taioli E, Popov T, Kalina I, Sram R, Farmer P. Role of GSTT1 Deletion in  DNA Oxidative Damage by Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Humans. Int. J. Cancer. 120:2504-2509, 2007.

Vineis P, Veglia F, Garte S, Malaveille C, Matullo G, Dunning A, Peluso M, Airoldi L, Overvad K, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Clavel-Chapelon F, Linseisen J, Kaaks R, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Crosignani P, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-De-Mesquita H, Peeters P, Lund E, Gonzalez C, Martinez C, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Navarro C, Quiros J, Berglund G, Jarvholm B, Day N, Key T, Saracci R, Riboli E, Autrup H. Genetic susceptibility according to three metabolic pathways in cancers of the lung and bladder and in myeloid leukemias in nonsmokers. Ann Oncol.18:1230-42. 2007

Singh R, Sram RJ, Binkova B, Kalina I, Popov TA, Georgieva T, Garte S, Taioli E, Farmer PB. The relationship between biomarkers of oxidative DNA damage, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon DNA adducts, antioxidant status and genetic susceptibility following exposure to environmental air pollution in humans. Mutat Res. 620:83-92, 2007

Singh R, Kaur B, Kalina I, Popov TA, Georgieva T, Garte S, Binkova B, Sram RJ, Taioli E, Farmer PB. Effects of environmental air pollution on endogenous oxidative DNA damage in humans. Mutat Res. 620:71-82, 2007

Taioli E, Sram RJ, Garte S, Kalina I, Popov TA, Farmer PB. Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in environmental pollution on exogenous and oxidative DNA damage (EXPAH project): Description of the population under study. Mutat Res 620: 1-6, 2007

Garte S, Taioli E, Raimondi S, Paracchini V, Binkova B, Sram RJ, Kalina I, Popov TA, Singh R, Farmer PB. Effects of metabolic genotypes on intermediary biomarkers in subjects exposed to PAHS: Results from the EXPAH study. Mutat Res. 620: 7-15, 2007

Taioli E, Sram RJ, Binkova B, Kalina I, Popov TA, Garte S, Farmer PB .Biomarkers of exposure to carcinogenic PAHs and their relationship with environmental factors.
Mutat Res 620:16-21, 2007

Raimondi S, Garte S, Sram RJ, Binkova B, Kalina I, Lyubomirova K, Taioli E, Singh R, Farmer PB. Effects of diet on biomarkers of exposure and effects, and on oxidative damage. Mutat Res. 620:93-102, 2007

Vineis P, Anttila S, Benhamou S, Spinola M, Hirvonen A, Kiyohara C, Garte SJ, Puntoni R, Rannug A, Strange RC, Taioli E. Evidence of gene-gene interactions in lung carcinogenesis in a large pooled analysis. Carcinogenesis.  9:1902-5 2007

Garte S,  Goldstein BD,  Lioy P.  Lippmann M. Norton Nelson’s Legacy: The Science of Environmental HealthEnvironmental Health Perspectives  114:A78-79, 2006

Paracchini V,  Garte S, Pedotti P, Taioli E Review of prevalence of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) genomic infection in healthy subjects. Reviews in Mutation Research. 612:77-83, 2006.

Vineis P, Hoek G, Krzyzanowski M, Vigna-Taglianti F, Veglia F, Airoldi L, Autrup H, Dunning A, Garte S, Hainaut P, Malaveille C, Matullo G, Overvad K, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Clavel-Chapelon F, Linseisen J, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A , Palli D, Peluso M, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-De-Mesquita B,  Peeters PH , Lund E, A Gonzalez CA, Martinez C, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Cirera L, Quiros JR, Berglund G , Forsberg B,  Day NE,   Key TJ, Saracci R, Kaaks R, Riboli E. Air pollution and risk of lung cancer in a prospective study in Europe. International Journal of Cancer. 119:169-174 2006

Paracchini V, Garte S, Taioli E. MTHFR C677T polymorphism, GSTM1 deletion and male infertility: a possible suggestion of a gene-gene interaction? Biomarkers 11:53-60, 2006

Matullo G, , Dunning AM, Guarrera S, Baynes C, Polidoro S, Garte S, Autrup H, Malaveille C, Peluso M, Airoldi L, Veglia F, Gormally E, Hoek G, M Krzyzanowski M, Overvad K, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Clavel-Chapelon F, Linseisen J, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-De-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Lund E, Pera G, Martinez C, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Tormo MJ, Quiros JR, Day NE, Key TJ, Saracci R, Kaaks R, Riboli E, Vineis P DNA repair polymorphisms and cancer risk in non-smokers in a cohort study. Carcinogenesis. 27:997-1007, 2006.

Paracchini V,  Costa AN,  Garte S, Taioli E. The role of Simian Virus 40 in cancer incidence in solid organ transplant patients. Br. J Cancer. 94:1533-6, 2006.

Gormally E, Vineis P, Matullo G, Veglia F, Caboux E, Le Roux E, Peluso M, Garte S, Guarrera S, Munnia A, Airoldi L, Autrup H, Malaveille C, Dunning A, Overvad K, Tjonneland A, Lund E, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Pera G, Martinez C, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Navarro C, Quiros JR, Hallmans G, Day NE, Key TJ, Saracci R, Kaaks R, Riboli E, Hainaut P. TP53 and KRAS2 Mutations in Plasma DNA of Healthy Subjects and Subsequent Cancer Occurrence: A Prospective Study. Cancer Res. 66:6871-6, 2006

Neri M. Taioli E. Filiberti R. Paolo Ivaldi G. Aldo Canessa P. Verna A. Marroni P. Puntoni R. Hirvonen A. Garte S Metabolic genotypes as modulators of asbestos-related pleural malignant mesothelioma risk: a comparison of Finnish and Italian populations Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health. .209:393-8.  2006

Garte S. Dose effects in gene environment interaction: an enzyme kinetics based approach. Medical Hypotheses. 67:488-92. 2006

Munnia A, Bonassi S, Verna A, Quaglia R, Pelucco D, Ceppi M, Neri M, Buratti M, Taioli E, Garte S, Peluso M.Bronchial malondialdehyde DNA adducts, tobacco smoking, and lung cancer.Free Radic Biol Med. 41(9):1499-505, 2006

Raimondi S, Paracchini V, Autrup H, Barros-Dios J, Benhamou S, Boffetta P, Cote M, Dialyna Ia, Dolzan V, Filiberti R, Garte S, Hirvonen A, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Imyanitov E, Kalina I, Kang D, Kiyohara C, Kohno T, Kremers P, Lan Q, London S, Povey A, Rannug A, Reszka E, Risch A, Romkes M, Schneider J, Seow A, Shields P, Sobti R, Sorensen M, Spinola M, Spitz M, Strange R, Stucker I, Sugimura H, To-Figueras J, Tokudome S, Yang P, Yuan JM, Warholm M, Taioli E.Meta- and Pooled Analysis of GSTT1 and Lung Cancer: A HuGE-GSEC Review. Am J Epidemiol. 164(11):1027-42. 2006

Vineis P, Airoldi A, Veglia F, Olgiati L, Pastorelli R, Autrup H, Dunning A, Garte S, Gormally E, Hainaut P, Malaveille C, Matullo G, Peluso M, Overvad K, Tjonneland A, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boeing H, Krogh V, Palli D, Panico S, Tumino R, Bueno-De-Mesquita B, Peeters P, Berglund G, Hallmans G,  Saracci R,  Riboli E. Environmental Tobacco Smoke and the Risk of Respiratory Cancer and COPD in Ex-Smokers and Never Smokers in the Epic Prospective Study. British Medical Journal. 330:277, 2005.

Gelatti U, Covolo L, Talamini R, Tagger A, Barbone F, Martelli C, Cremaschini F, Franceschi S, Ribero ML, Garte S, Nardi G, Donadon V, Donato F. N-Acetyltransferase-2, glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 genetic polymorphisms, cigarette smoking and hepatocellular carcinoma: A case-control study. Int J Cancer. 115:301-306, 2005

Fustinoni S, Buratti M, Campo L, Colombi A, Consonni D, Pesatori AC, Bonzini M, Farmer P, Garte S, Valerio F, Merlo FD, Bertazzi PA Urinary t,t-muconic acid, S-phenylmercapturic acid and benzene as biomarkers of low benzene exposure. Chemical Biological Interactions 153-154:253-6 2005.

Garte S Popov T, Bolognesi C, Taioli E, Bertazzi P,  Farmer P, Merlo DF Biomarkers of Exposure and Effect in Bulgarian Petrochemical Workers Exposed to Benzene. Chemical Biological Interactions 153-154:247-51 2005.

Fustinoni S, Buratti M,  Campo L, Colombi A, Consonni D, Pesatori AC, Bonzini M, Bertazzi P, Garte S, Farmer PB, Levy LS, Pala M, Valerio F, Desideri A  Merlo F. Monitoring low benzene exposure: comparative evaluation of urinary biomarkers, influence of cigarette smoking and genetic polymorphisms. Cancer Epi. Biomark. Prevent. 14:2237-2244, 2005

Paracchini V, Pedotti P, Raimondi S, Garte S, Bradlow LH, Sepkovic DW, Taioli E.     A common CYP1B1 polymorphism is associated with 2-OHE1/16-OHE1 urinary estrone ratio Clin Chem Lab Med 43(7):702–706, 2005

Paracchini V, Chang SS,. Santella RM, Garte S, Pedotti P, Taioli E  GSMT1 deletion modifies the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in human sperm. Mutation Research 586:97-101 2005 .

Peluso M. Munnia A. Hoek G. Krzyzanowski M. Veglia F. Airoldi L. Autrup H. Dunning A. Garte S. Hainaut P. Malaveille C. Gormally E. Matullo G. Overvad K. Raaschou-Nielsen O. Clavel-Chapelon F. Linseisen J. Boeing H. Trichopoulou A. Trichopoulos D. Kaladidi A. Palli D. Krogh V. Tumino R. Panico S. Bueno-De-Mesquita HB. Peeters PH. Kumle M. Gonzalez CA. Martinez C. Dorronsoro M. Barricarte A. Navarro C. Quiros JR. Berglund G. Janzon L. Jarvholm B. Day NE. Key TJ. Saracci R. Kaaks R. Riboli E. Vineis P. DNA adducts and lung cancer risk: a prospective study. Cancer Research. 65:8042-8, 2005

Peluso M. Hainaut P. Airoldi L. Autrup H. Dunning A. Garte S. Gormally E. Malaveille C. Matullo G. Munnia A. Riboli E. Vineis P. EPIC investigators. Methodology of laboratory measurements in prospective studies on gene-environment interactions: the experience of GenAir. Mutation Research. 574(1-2):92-104, 2005

Garte S, Bonassi S, Linking Toxicology to Epidemiology: Biomarkers and New Technologies. Special Issue Overview. Mutation Research 592 3–5, 2005

Garte S. Bonassi, S, Hayes R, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Vainio H. (eds). Linking Toxicology to Epidemiology: Biomarkers and New Technologies. Mutation Research Vol 592/1-2, 2005

Airoldi L. Vineis P. Colombi A. Olgiati L. Dell’Osta C. Fanelli R. Manzi L. Veglia F. Autrup H. Dunning A. Garte S. Hainaut P. Hoek G. Krzyzanowski M. Malaveille C. Matullo G. Overvad K. Tjonneland A. Clavel-Chapelon F. Linseisen J. Boeing H. Trichopoulou A. Palli D. Peluso M. Krogh V. Tumino R. Panico S. Bueno-De-Mesquita HB. Peeters PH. Lund E. Agudo A. Martinez C. Dorronsoro M. Barricarte A. Chirlaque MD. Quiros JR. Berglund G. Jarvholm B. Hallmans G. Day NE. Allen N. Saracci R. Kaaks R. Riboli E. 4-Aminobiphenyl-hemoglobin adducts and risk of smoking-related disease in never smokers and former smokers in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition prospective study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 14(9):2118-24, 2005

 Neri M, Filiberti R, Taioli E, Garte S, Paracchini V, Bolognesi C, Canessa PA, Fontana V, Ivaldi GP, Verna A, Bonassi S , Puntoni R   Pleural Malignant Mesothelioma, Genetic Susceptibility And Asbestos Exposure. Mutation Research 592:36-44 2005.

Raimondi S, Boffetta P, Anttila S Bröckmoller J, Butkiewicz D, Cascorbi I, Clapper ML, A. Dragani TA, Garte S, Gsur A, Haidinger G, Hirvonen A, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Kalina I, Lan Q, Leoni VP, Le Marchand L, J. London SJ, Neri M,. Povey AC, Rannug A, Edyta Reszka E, Ryberg D, Risch A, Romkes M, Ruano-Ravina A, Schoket N, Spinola M, Sugimura H, Wu X And Taioli E. Metabolic Gene Polymorphism And Lung Cancer Risk In Non-Smokers: An Update Of The GSEC Study. Mutation Research 592:45-57. 2005

Paracchini V, Garte S, Pedotti P, Poli F, Frison S, Taioli E Molecular Identification Of Simian Virus 40 Infection In Healthy Italian Subjects By Birth Cohort. Mol. Med. 11:48-51 2005

Covolo L. Gelatti U. Talamini R. Garte S. Trevisi P. Franceschi S. Franceschini M. Barbone F. Tagger A. Ribero ML. Parrinello G. Donadon V. Nardi G. Donato F. Alcohol dehydrogenase 3, glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 polymorphisms, alcohol consumption and hepatocellular carcinoma  Cancer Causes & Control. 16(7):831-8, 2005

Vineis P  Alavanja M, Garte S. Dose-response relationship in tobacco-related cancers of bladder and lung:  a biochemical interpretation. International J. Cancer. 108:2-7, 2004.

Palli D,  Masala G, Peluso M, Gaspari L, Krogh V, Munnia A, Panico S, Saieva C, Tumino R, Vineis P, Garte S. The effects of diet on DNA bulky adduct levels are strongly modified by GSTM1 genotype: a study on 634 subjects. Carcinogenesis. 25:577-584, 2004.

Smits KM, Benhamou S, Garte S, Weijenberg MP, Alamanos Y,  Ambrosone C,  Autrup H,  Autrup JL,  Baranova H,  Bathum L,  Boffetta P,  Bouchardy C,  Brockmoller J,  Butkiewicz D,  Cascorbi I,  Clapper ML, Coutelle C,  Daly A,  Muzi G,  Dolzan V,  Duzhak TG,  Farker K,  Golka K,  Haugen A,  Hein DW,  Hildesheim A,  Hirvonen A,  Hsieh L, Ingelman-Sundberg M,  Kalina I, Kang D, Katoh T,  Kihara M, Kim H, Kiyohara C,  Kremer P, Lazarus P,  Le Marchand L, Lechner MC, London S,  Manni JJ,  Maugard CM, Morgan GJ,  Morita S,  Nazar-Stewart V,  Nedelcheva Kristensen V,  Oda Y, Parl FF, Peters WHM,  Rannug A,  Rebbeck T,  Ribeiro Pinto LF,  Risch A,  Romkes M,  Šalagovic J,  Schoket B, Seidegard J,  Shields PG,  Sim E,  Sinnett D, Strange RC,  Stucker I,  Sugimura H,  To-Figueras J,  Vineis P,  Yu MC, Zheng W, Pedotti P and Taioli E. Association of metabolic gene polymorphisms with tobacco consumption in healthy controls. Inter. J. Cancer. 110:266-70, 2004

Gomally E, Hainaut P, Caboux E, Airoldi L, Autrup H, Malaveille C, Dunning A, Garte S, Matullo G, Overvad K, Tjonneland A, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boffetta P, Boeing H, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Panico S, Bueno-De-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH,+Lund E, Gonzalez CA, Martinez C, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Tormo MJ, Quiros JR, Berglund G, Hallmans G, Day NE, Key TJ, Veglia , Peluso M, Saracci R, Kaaks R, Riboli E, Vineis P. Amount of DNA in plasma and cancer risk: a prospective study. International Journal of Cancer. 111:746-9, 2004

Garte, S. Fractal Properties of the Human Genome. J. Theor. Biol. 230:251-260, 2004

 Taioli E. Pedotti P, Garte S.  Importance of allele frequency estimates in epidemiological studies. Reviews in Mutation Research 567 63–70, 2004

Raimondi S,  Benhamou S,  Coutelle C,  Garte S,  Hayes R,  Kiemeney  L,  Lazarus P,  Le Marchand L,  Morita S,  Povey A,  Romkes M,  Zijno A,  Taioli E.  Association of metabolic gene polymorphisms with alcohol consumption in controls. Biomarkers  9:180 – 189  2004.Peluso M Neri M Margarino G Mereu C Munnia  A Ceppi M Buratti M Felletti R Stea F Quaglia R Puntoni RTaioli E  Garte S Bonassi S. Comparison of DNA adduct levels in nasal mucosa, lymphocytes and bronchial mucosa of cigarette smokers and interaction with metabolic gene polymorphisms. Carcinogenesis 25: 2459-2465 2004.

Vineis P, Veglia F, Anttila S, Benhamou S, Margie L. Clapper ML, Dolzan V, Ryberg D, Hirvonen A, Kremers P, Le Marchand L, Pastorelli R, Rannug A, Romkes M, Schoket B,  Strange RC, Garte S,  Taioli E. CYP1A1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms and lung cancer: a pooled analysis of gene-gene interactions.  Biomarkers  9: 298-305, 2004.

Garte, S.,  Ganguly S. and Taioli, E. Effect of Genotype on Steady State CYP1A1 Gene Expression in Human Peripheral Lymphocytes. Biochem Pharmacol. 65:441-5, 2003.

Taioli E., Gaspari L., Benhamou S., Boffetta P., Brockmoller J., Butkiewicz D., Cascorbi I., Clapper M.L., Dolzan V., Haugen A., Hirvonen A., Husgafvel-Pursiainen K., Kalina I., Kremers P., Le Marchand L., London S., Rannug A., Romkes M., Schoket B., Seidegard J., Strange R.C., Stucker I., To-Figueras J.,and Garte S. Polymorphisms in CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTT1 and lung cancer below the age of 45 years. International Journal of Epidemiology. 32:60-63, 2003.

Garte S. Theory in Carcinogenesis and Epidemiology. J. Epidemiology and Community Health. 57:85, 2003

Vineis, P, Veglia, F, Antilla, S, Benhamou, S, Butkievicz, D, Cascorbi, I, Clapper, ML, Dolzan, V, Haugen, A, Hirvonen, A, Ingelman-Sundberg, M, Kihara, M, Chikako Kiyohara, C, Kremers, P, Le Marchand, L, Oshima, S, Pastorelli, R, Rannug, A, Romkes, M, Schoket, B, Shields, P, . Strange, RC, Stucker, I, Sugimura, H, Garte, S, Gaspari L, Taioli E. CYP1A1 T3801 C polymorphism and lung cancer: a pooled analysis of 2451 cases and 3358 controls. International Journal of Cancer. 104:650-657, 2003

Gaspari L,  Chang SS, Santella RM, Garte S, Pedotti P, Taioli T. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in human sperm as a marker of DNA damage and infertility. Mutation Research. 535:155-160, 2003

Palli D, Masala G, Vineis P, Garte S, Saieva C, Krogh V, Panico S, Tumino R, Munnia A, Riboli E, Peluso M. Biomarkers of dietary intake of micronutrients modulateDNA adduct levels in healthy adults. Carcinogenesis.  24: 739-746, 2003.

Hung, RJ, Boffetta, P, Brockmöller, J, Butkiewicz, D, Cascorbi, I, L. Clapper, ML, Garte, S, Haugen, A, Hirvonen, A, Anttila S, Kalina, I, Le Marchand, L, J. London, SJ, Rannug, A, Romkes, M, Salagovic  J, Schoket, B, Gaspari, L  and Taioli, E. CYP1A1 and GSTM1 Genetic Polymorphisms And Lung Cancer Risk in Caucasian Nonsmokers: A Pooled Analysis. Carcinogenesis 24: 875-882, 2003.

Le Marchand, L Guo, C, Benhamou, S, Bouchardy, C, Cascorbi  I,. Clapper, ML, Garte, S, Haugen, A, Ingelman-Sundberg,  M, Kihara, M, Rannug, A, Stücker, I, Sugimura, H, and Taioli E. Pooled Analysis Of The CYP1A1 Exon 7 Polymorphism And Lung Cancer. Cancer Causes Control. 14:339-46. 2003

Garte S. Locus specific genetic diversity between human populations: an analysis of the literature. American Journal of Human Biology.  15:814 – 823 2003.

Farmer PB, Singh R, Kaur B, Sram RJ, Binkova B, Kalina I, Popov TA, Garte S, Taioli E, Gabelova A, Cebulska-Wasilewska A. Molecular epidemiology studies of carcinogenic environmental pollutants. Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in environmental pollution on exogenous and oxidative DNA damage. Mutat Res.544:397-402. 2003.

Gaspari L, Pedotti P, Bonafè M, Franceschi C, Marinelli D, Mari D, Garte S and Taioli E. Metabolic genes polymorphisms and p53 mutations in healthy centenarians and younger controls. Biomarkers. 8:522-528, 2003.

Taioli E, Garte, S. Covariates and confounding in epidemiological studies using metabolic gene polymorphisms. International Journal of Cancer 100:97-100, 2002

Garte S. The Racial Genetics Paradox in Biomedical Research and Public Health. Public Health Reports 117:421-5, 2002

Garte S. Mechanisms of chemical-induced cancer. Clinics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2:685-708, 2002

Taioli, E., Mari, D.,  Franceschi, C.,  Bertolini, S.,  Marinelli, D. and Garte S. Distribution of metabolic genes polymorphisms in healthy centenarians. BBRC 280:1389-1392, 2001.

Garte S, Gaspari L, Alexandrie AK, Ambrosone C, Autrup H, Autrup JL, Baranova H, Bathum L, Benhamou S, Boffetta P, Bouchardy C, Breskvar K, Brockmoller J, Cascorbi I,  Clapper ML, Coutelle C, Daly A, Dell’Omo M, Dolzan V, Dresler CM, Fryer A, Haugen A, Hein DW, Hildesheim A, Hirvonen A, Hsieh LL, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Kalina I, Kang D, Kihara M, Kiyohara C, Kremers P, Philip Lazarus P, Le Marchand L, Lechner MC, van Lieshout EMM, London S , Manni JJ, Maugard CM, Morita S, Nazar- Stewart V, Noda K, Oda Y, Parl FF, Pastorelli R, Persson I, Peters WHM, Rannug A, Rebbeck T, Risch A, Roelandt L, Romkes M, Ryberg D, Salagovic J, Schoket B, Seidegard J,  Shields PG, Sim E, Sinnet D, Strange RC, Stucker I, Sugimura H, To-Figueras J, Vineis P, Yu MC, and Taioli E. Metabolic gene frequencies in control populations. Cancer Epid. Biomark. Prevent. 10:1239-1248, 2001

Garte S, Metabolic Susceptibility Genes As Cancer Risk Factors: Time For A Reassessment? Cancer Epid. Biomark. Prevent 10:1233-1237 2001

Garte S, Boffetta P, Caporaso N. and Vineis P Metabolic gene allele nomenclature. Cancer Epid. Biomark. Prevent 10: 1305-1306, 2001

Ingelman-Sundberg M, Oscarson M,  Daly AK, Garte S and. Nebert DW Human Cytochrome P450 (CYP) Genes: A Web page for the Nomenclature of Alleles. Cancer Epid. Biomark. Prevent. 10: 1307-1308, 2001

Whyatt, R.M., Perera, F.P., Jedrychowski, W., Santella, R.M., Garte, S. and Bell, D.A. Association between polyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adduct levels in maternal and newborn blood cells and glutathione S transferase P1 and CYP1A1 polymorphsisms. Cancer Epi. Biomark. Prevent. 9:207-212, 2000.

Palli, D., Vineis, P., Russo, A., Berrino, F., Krogh, V., Masala, G., Munnia, A., Panico, S., Taioli, E., Tumino , R., Garte, S., and Peluso, M. Diet, DNA Adducts And Metabolic Polymorphisms: The Epic-Italy Cross-Sectional Study. Int. J. Cancer 87:444-451, 2000.

Garte, S., Taioli, E.,  Crosti, F., Sainati, L., Barisone, E., Luciani, M., Jankovic M.,  and  Biondi, A. Deletion of parental GST genes as a possible susceptibility factor in the etiology of infant leukemia. Leukemia Research. 24:971-974, 2000

Ford, J.G., Li, Y., O’Sullivan, M.M., Demopoulos, R., Garte, S., Taioli, E. and Brandt-Rauf P. W. Glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) polymorphism and lung cancer risk in African-Americans. Carcinogenesis 21: 1971-1975, 2000

Garte S. and Sogawa K. Ah receptor gene polymorphisms and human cancer susceptibility. In Metabolic Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Cancer (P. Vineis , N Malats M. Lang, A D’Errico, N. Caporaso, J. Cuzick, , and P. Boffetta eds.) IARC Publications. 1999 p. 151-160.

Garte, S. and Crosti, F. A nomenclature system for metabolic gene polymorphisms. In Metabolic Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Cancer (P. Vineis , N Malats M. Lang, A D’Errico, N. Caporaso, J. Cuzick, , and P. Boffetta eds.) IARC Publications. 1999 p5-11.

Garte S. Issues to consider for regulating risks from 1,3 butadiene. Health Effect Inst. Comm. 6:102-109, 1999.

Taioli E.,  Bradlow H.L., Sepkovic D., Garbers S.V., Trachman J., Garte S.J. Estradiol metabolism, CYP1A1 polymorphism, and breast cancer risk. Cancer Detect. Prevent. 23:232-237, 1999.

Taioli E. and Garte S. Low dose exposure to carcinogens and metabolic gene polymorphisms. Advan. Exper. Med. Biol. 472:223-230, 1999.

Taioli, E. and Garte S. Genetic susceptibility to environmental carcinogens. Recent Res. Devel. Cancer 1:57-67, 1999

Garte S.J. Environmental Carcinogenesis. In Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Third Edition. (W. Rom ed.) Little Brown, Boston. pp137-154 1998.

Taioli, E., Zocchetti, C., Garte S. Models of interaction between metabolic genes and environmental exposure in cancer susceptibility. Environ. Health Perspect.106:67-70, 1998

Taioli E,  Frenkel, K. Tagesson, S., Baranski, B., Ganguly, S., Karkoszka, J. Toniolo, P., Cohen, B., and. Garte, S. Molecular markers of exposure to cadmium and nickel among alkaline battery workers. Biomarkers 3:129-140, 1998.

Merlo, F., Andreassen, A., Weston, A., Pan, C-F., Haugen, A., Valerio, F., Reggiardo, G., Fontana, V., Garte, S., Puntoni, R., and Abbondandolo, A. Urinary excretion of 1-hydroxypyrene as a marker for exposure to urban air levels of plycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Cancer Epi. Biomark. Prevent.7:147-155, 1998.

Taioli, E., Ford, F., Trachman, J., Li, Y.,  Demopoulos R., and Garte, S. Lung cancer risk and CYP1A1 genotype in African Americans. Carcinogenesis 19:813-817, 1998.

Whyatt, R.M., Santella, R., Jedrychowski, W., Garte, S., Bell, D., Gladek-Yarborough, A., Cosma, G., Young, T-L., Wahrendorf, J., Cooper, T., Ottman, R., Randall, T., Manchester, D. And Perera, F. Relationship between ambient air pollution and DNA damage in Polish mothers and newborns. Environ Health Perspect. 106:821-826, 1998.

Whyatt, R.M. Bell, D.A., Santella, R.M., Garte, S.J. Jedrychowski, W., Gladek-Yarborough, A., Cosma, G., Manchester, D.K., Young, T-L, Wahrendorf, J., Cooper, T.B., Ottman, R., and Perera, F.P. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in human placenta and modulation by CYP1A1 induction and genotype. Carcinogenesis 19:1389-1392, 1998.

Garte, S. The role of ethnicity in cancer susceptibility gene polymorphisms:  The example of CYP1A1. Carcinogenesis 19:1329-1332, 1998.

Felber, M., Burns, F., and  Garte, S.J. Rare activation of ras oncogenes in radiation induced rat skin tumors. Oncology Rep. 4:131-133, 1997.

Garte, S.J. Ionizing Radiation as a carcinogen. In Comprehensive Toxicology Vol 12, (G.T. Bowden and S. Fischer eds) Elsevier Press pp 282-297, 1997.

Garbers SV, Lukanova A, Garte SJ, Toniolo P, Taioli E. Applying management strategies in molecular epidemiology field studies. Int. J. Health Plan Manag, 12:63-69, 1997

Garte, S.J., Zocchetti, C., and Taioli, E. Gene-environment interactions in the  application of biomarkers of cancer susceptibility in epidemiology.In: Applications of Biomarkers in Cancer Epidemiology (P. Toniolo, P. Boffetta, D. Shuker, B. Hulka, N. Pearce and N. Rothman eds.) IARCScientific Publication No. 142. 251-264, 1997.

Taioli E, Bradlow HL, Sepkovic DW, Osborne MP, Garbers S, Garte SJ. Ethnic differences in estrogen metabolism in healthy women (letter) JNCI, 89, 1626-27, 1997

Taioli, E., Garte S.J., Sepkovic, D. Trachman, J. Garbers S., Bradlow, L. Ethnic differences in estrogen metabolism in healthy women. JNCI 88: 617, 1996.

Ganguly, S., Taioli, E., Baranski, B., Cohen, B., Toniolo,  P., and  Garte, S.J. Human metallothionein gene expression determined by quantitative RT-PCR as a biomarker of cadmium exposure. Cancer Epid. Biomark Prev. 5:297-301, 1996.

Garte S.J., Trachman, J., Crofts, F., Toniolo, P., Buxbaum, J., Bayo, S., and Taioli, E. Distribution of composite CYP1A1 genotypes in Africans, African-Americans and Caucasians. Human Hered. 46:121-127, 1996.

Hubbard, F., Cosma, G.N. and Garte, S.J. Effects of mutationally activated H-ras on c-fos expression kinetics in rat tracheal epithelial cells.  Mol. Carcin. 16:77-82, 1996.

Jin Y., Burns F.J., Garte S.J. and Hosselet S.  Infrequent Alterations of the p53 gene in rat skin cancers induced by ionizing radiation. Carcinogenesis 17:873-876, 1996.

Taioli E. and Garte S.J. Correspondance Re: London, S.J et al.  Lung cancer risk in African-Americans in relation to a race-specific CYP1A1 polymorphism. Cancer Research 56:4275, 1996.

Taioli, E., Crofts, F., Trachman, J., Demopoulos, R., Ford J., and Garte, S.J. Enhanced risk  of lung and prostate adenocarcinoma in African-American smokers carrying a novel CYP1A1 gene polymorphism. Poly. Arom. Comp. 11: 19-26, 1996

Garte S.J., and Ganguly S. A method for quantitative PCR using a homologous internal standard. Anal. Biochem. 243:183-186, 1996

Garte S.J. Guidelines for Training  in the Ethical Conduct of Scientific Research. Sci. and Engin. Ethics. 1:59-70, 1995.

Taioli, E. Crofts, F.  Demopoulos, R., Trachman, J. Toniolo, P, Garte, S.J. A specific African American  CYP1A1 polymorphism is associated with adenocarcinoma of the lung. Cancer Res. 55:472-473, 1995.

Whyatt, R.M., Garte, S.J., Cosma, G.N., Jedrychowski, W., Wahrendorf, J., Randall, M.C., Cooper, T.B., Ottman, R., Tang, D., Dickey, C., Crofts, F. and Perera, F.P. CYP1A1 mRNA levels in placental tissue as a Biomarker of Environmental Exposure. Cancer Epi. Biomark Prev. 4: 147-153, 1995.

Taioli, E.  Crofts F., Trachman, J.,  Bayo, S., Bradlow, L., Toniolo, P. and Garte, S.J. Racial differences in CYP1a1 genotype and function. Tox. Lett. 77 357-362, 1995.

Taioli, E. ,Trachman, J. ,Chen, X.,Toniolo, P. and Garte, S.J.  A CYP1A1 RFLP is associated with breast cancer in African American women. Cancer Res. 55:3757-3758, 1995.

Garte, S. J., Fulton, H., Kim, M., Currie, D., Taioli, E.  and Cosma, G.N. Kinetics of metallothionein gene induction by cadmium in human lymphocytes. Biochem. Mol. Biol Intern. 37:459-465, 1995.

Garte S.J. Reply to P.J. Gilmer’s Commentary on Scientific Positivism. Science and Engineering Ethics 1:112, 1995

Cosma G N. and Garte S.J. Human gene inducibility:  a marker of exposure and susceptibility to environmental toxicants. In: Molecular  Environmental Biology (S.J. Garte, Ed.) Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton FL. 1994. pp. 225-246.

Wirgin I. I. and Garte S. J. Assessment of environmental degradation by molecular analysis of a sentinel species: atlantic tomcod. In Molecular  Environmental Biology  (S.J. Garte, Ed.) Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton FL. 1994. pp. 117-132.

Taioli, E., Kinney, P, Zhitkovich, A., Fulton, H., Voitkun, V., Cosma, G., Frenkel, K., Toniolo, P., Garte, S.J., and Costa, M. Application of reliability models to studies of biomarker validation. Environ. Health Perspec. 102: 306-309, 1994.

Burns, F.J., Jin, Y., Garte, S.J. and Hosselet S. Estimation of risk based on multiple events in radiation carcinogenesis of rat skin. Adv. Space Res. 14: 507-519, 1994.

Cosma, G., Jamasbi, R.J., Hubbard, F., Marchok, A., and Garte, S.J. Role of H-ras in the Malignant Progression of Rat Tracheal Epithelial Cells.  J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 120: 641-644, 1994.

Felber, M., Burns, F. and Garte, S.J. DNA Fingerprinting analysis of radiation-induced rat skin tumors. Cancer Biochem. Biophys. 14: 163-170, 1994.

Crofts, F., Taioli, E., Trachman, J. Cosma, G.N., Currie, D., Toniolo, P., and Garte, S.J. Functional significance of different human CYP1A1 genotypes. Carcinogenesis, 15: 2961-2963, 1994.

Landi, M.T., Bertazzi, P.A., Shields, P.G., Clark, G., Lucier, G.W., Garte, S.J., Cosma, G., and Caporaso, N.E. Restriction fragment length polymorphism, mRNA expression and enzymatic product of CYP1A1 gene in humans. Pharmacogen. 4:242-246, 1994

Garte, S.J. and Troll, W.  Protease inhibitor suppression of ras oncogene transformation.  In: Protease Inhibitors as Cancer Chemopreventive Agents, (W. Troll and A. Kennedy, eds.), Plenum Press, NY. 1993. pp. 251-263.

Cosma G. N., Crofts, F., Currie, D., Wirgin, I., Toniolo, P., and Garte, S.J. Racial differences in restriction fragment length polymorphisms and mRNA inducibility of the human CYP1A1 gene. Cancer Epi. Biomark. Prevent. 2: 53-57, 1993.

Roy, N. K.,  Ballesteros, A. and Garte,  S. J. Cloning and sequence of the rat retinoblastoma (Rb) gene cDNA. Nuc. Acids Res. 21:170, 1993.

Pero, R.W., Berglund, G., Christie, N.T., Cosma, G.N., Frenkel, K., Garte, S.J., Jacobson, E.L., Jacobson, M.K., Janzon, L., Seidegard, J., Smulson, M.E., and Troll, W. The Malmo diet and cancer study: the biomarker program. J. Intern. Med. 233:69-74, 1993.

Landi, M.T., Bertazzi, P.A., Clark, G., Lucier, G.W., Garte, S.J., Cosma, G., Shields, P.G., and Caporaso, N.E. Susceptibility markers in normal subjects: a pilot study for the investigation of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin related diseases. Chemosphere 27: 375-381, 1993.

Garte, S.J.  The c-myc oncogene in tumor progression Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis. 4:435-449, 1993.

Cosma, G. Crofts, F., Currie, D. Toniolo, P., and Garte, S.J. The relationship between genotype and function of the human CYP1A1 gene. J. Tox. and Environ Health. 40:315-322,1993.

Crofts, F., Cosma, G.N., Taioli, E., Currie, D.C., Toniolo, P.T., and Garte, S.J. A novel CYP1A1 gene polymorphism in African-Americans. Carcinogenesis. 14:1729-1731,1993.

Cosma, G.N., Toniolo, P., Currie, D., Pasternack, B. and Garte, S.J. Expression of CYP1a1 gene in peripheral lymphocytes as a marker of exposure to creosote in railroad workers. Cancer Epidem. Biomark. Preven.  1:137-142, 1992.

Garte, S.J. Correspondance re: Grundel et al. Effect of interclonal heterogeneity on the progressive, confluence-mediated acquisition of the focus-forming phenotype in NIH3T3 populations. Cancer Res. 52:1047-1048, 1992.

Alexander, R.J., Garte S.J., Raicht, R. and Buxbaum, J. Detection oftransforming oncogenes in rat colon tumors induced by direct perfusion with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Cancer Lett. 61:119-128, 1992.

Felber, M. Burns, F.J. and Garte S.J. Amplification of the c-myc oncogene in radiation-induced rat skin tumors as a function of LET and dose. Radiat. Res. 131:297-301, 1992

Wirgin, I.I., Kreamer, G.L., Grunwald, C., Squibb, K., Garte, S.J. and Courtney, S. Effects of prior exposure history on cytochrome P450lA mRNA induction by PCB congener 77 in Atlantic tomcod. Marine Environ. Res. 34: 103-108, 1992.

Garte S.J. Environmental Carcinogenesis. In Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Second Edition. (W. Rom ed.) Little Brown, Boston. pp105-124 1992.

Jin, Y., Burns, F.J., and Garte, S.J. Oncogene amplification detected by in situ hybridization in radiation induced rat skin tumors. Radiat. Res. 132:193-199, 1992.

Cox L., Motz J., Troll, W. and Garte S.J. Effects of retinoic acid on NIH3T3 cell transformation by the H-ras oncogene. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 117:102-108, 1991.

Cosma, G.N., Currie, D. Squibb, K.S., Snyder, C.A. and Garte S.J. Detection of Cadmium Exposure in Rats by Induction of Lymphocyte Metallothionein Gene Expression. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 34:39-49, 1991.

Garte, S.J. and Burns, F.J. Oncogenes in radiation carcinogenesis. Environ. Health Perspec. 93:45-49, 1991.

Wirgin, I.I., Kraemer, G-L., and S.J. Garte, Genetic Polymorphism of Cytochrome P4501A in Cancer Prone Hudson River Tomcod. Aquatic Tox.19,205-214, 1991.

Kraemer, G.L., Gioeli, D., Garte, S.J. and Wirgin, I.I. Cytochrome P450 Gene Expression in Feral Hudson River Tomcod. Environ. Res. 55:64-78, 1991.

Cox, L.R., Motz, J., Troll, W. amd Garte, S.J. Antipain-induced suppression of oncogene expression in H-ras transformed cells. Cancer Res. 51:4810-4814, 1991.

Wirgin, I.I., Grunwald, C., Garte, S.J., and Mesing, C. The use of DNA fingerprinting in the identification and management of striped bass populations in the southeastern United States. Trans. Amer. Fish Soc. 120:273-282, 1991.

Burns, F.J., Hosselet, S., Yi, J., Dudas, G. and Garte S.J. Progression and multiple events in radiation carcinogenesis of rat skin.  J. Radiat. Res. 32:S2 202-216, 1991.

Troll, W., Garte S.J. and Frenkel, K. Suppression of tumor promotion by inhibitors of poly (ADP) ribose formation. In: Mechanisms of Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis (Y. Koroda, D.M. Shankel, and M.D. Waters eds) Plenum Press New York, pp 225-232, 1990.

Garte SJ. Burns FJ. Ashkenazi-Kimmel T. Felber M. Sawey MJAmplification of the c-myc oncogene during progression of radiation-induced rat skin tumors. Cancer Research. 50(10):3073-7, 1990

Garte, S.J. Ras genes may not always be targets of chemical carcinogen action. (Letter) Molec. Carcinogen. 3:115, 1990

Wirgin, I.I., D’Amore, M., Grunwald, C., Goldman. A., and Garte S. J. Genetic diversity at an oncogene locus and in mitochondrial DNA between populations of cancer prone Atlantic tomcod. Biochemical Genetics 28:459-475, 1990.

Garte, S.J. Communication of relative carcinogenic risks: a quantitative approach. Risk Analysis. 10:467-468, 1990.

Cosma, G.N., Wirgin, I.I., Marchok, A. and Garte S.J. H-ras Oncogene Mutations in Cell Lines Derived from Rat Tracheal Implants Exposed in vivo to 7,12-dimethylbenz anthracene.  Molec. Carcinogen. 3:258-263, 1990.

Burns, F.J., Albert, R.E., and Garte, S.J.  Radiation induced cancer in rat skin.  In: Skin Tumors:  Experimental and Clinical Aspects, (C.J. Conti, T.J. Slaga, and A. Klein-Szanto, eds.), Raven Press, NY, 1989, pp. 293-319.

Garte, S.J. and Hochwalt, A.E.  Oncogene activation in experimental carcinogenesis: the roles of carcinogen and tissue specificity. Environ. Health Perspect., 81:29-31 1989.

Burns, F.J., Albert, R.E., and Garte, S.J. Multiple stages in radiation carcinogenesis of rat skin. Environ. Health Perspect. 81:67-72 1989.

Garte, S.J.  Oncogene activation in multistage carcinogenesis.J. Amer. Coll. Tox., 8:241-243, 1989.

Garte, S.J.  Oncogene activation in chemically-induced rat nasal tumors. In:  Nasal Carcinogenesis in Rodents:  Relevence to Human Health Risk, (V. Feron and M. Bosland, eds.), Pudoc Wageningen Netherlands, pp 165-170, 1989.

Burns, F.J., Sawey, M.J., Hosselet, S., and Garte, S.J.  Risk assessment and multiple stages in radiation carcinogenesis.  In: Low Dose Radiation: Biological Bases of Risk Assessment. (K. Baverstock ed.) Taylor and Francis, London. pp 571-582, 1989.

Garte, S.J., Burns, F.J., Ashkenazi-Kimmel, T., Cosma, G.N. and Sawey, M.J. A model for oncogene activation during tumor progression in vivo.  Anticancer Res., 9:1439-1446, 1989.

Wirgin, I.I. Currie D.C., and Garte S.J. Activation of K-ras in liver tumors of Hudson river tomcod. Carcinogenesis 10:2311-2315, 1989.

Cosma, G.N., Marchok, A., and Garte, S.J.  Oncogene expression in cell lines derived from rat tracheal implants exposed in vivo to 7,12-dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene.  Molec. Carcinogen. 2:268-273, 1989.

Garte, S.J. and Kneip, T.  Metabolism.  In:  Manual of Biologic Monitoring Methods,  (T.J. Kneip and J.V. Crable, eds.),  American Public Health Foundation, Washington, 1988, pp. 15-26.

Hochwalt, A.E., Solomon, J.J., and Garte, S.J.  Mechanism of H-ras oncogene activation in mouse squamous carcinoma induced by an alkylating agent.  Cancer Res., 48: 556-558, 1988.

Hochwalt, A.E., Wirgin, I., Felber, M., Currie, D., and Garte, S.J. Detection of novel non-ras oncogenes in rat nasal squamous cell carcinomas. Molec. Carcinogenesis,  1: 4-6, 1988.

Zelikoff, J.T., Garte, S.J., and Belman, S.  Correspondence re: Nile Feuerstein et al.  Differential phosphorylation events associated with phorbol ester effects on acceleration versus inhibition of cell growth. Cancer Research, 47: 329-330, 1987.

Sawey, M.J., Hood, A.T., Burns, F.J., and Garte, S.J.  Activation of c-myc and K-ras oncogenes in primary rat skin tumors induced by ionizing radiation. Molec. Cell Biol., 7: 932-935, 1987.

Hood, A.T., Currie, D.C., and Garte, S.J.  Establishment of a rat nasal epithelial cell line. In Vitro, 23: 274-278, 1987.

Garte, S.J.  Phorbol ester effects on adrenergic hormone signal transduction in normal and H-ras transformed cells. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 494: 111-113, 1987.

Penn, A., Garte, S.J., and Warren, L.  Transforming sequences associated with atherosclerotic plaque DNA.  In: Cardiovascular Disease:  Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms, Prevention, and Treatment, (L.L. Gallo, ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1987, pp. 235-247.

Garte, S.J., Currie, D.C., and Troll, W. Inhibition of H-ras oncogene transformation of NIH3T3 cells by protease inhibitors, Cancer Res., 47: 3159-3162, 1987.

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Garte, S.J., Sawey, M.J., and Burns, F.J.  Oncogenes activated in radiation-induced rat skin tumors.  In:  Radiation Carcinogenesis and DNA Alterations,  (F.J. Burns, A.C. Upton, and G. Silini, eds.), pp. 389-397, Plenum Publishing, New York, 1986.

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Garte, S.J., Edinger, F., and Mufson, R.A.  Phorbol ester activation of epidermal protein kinase C from tumor promotion sensitive and resistant mouse strains.Cancer Lett., 29: 215-221, 1985.

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Garte, S.J.  Differential effects of phorbol ester on the beta-adrenergic response of normal and ras-transformed NIH3T3 cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 133: 702-708, 1985.

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Garte, S.J., Fennikoh, K.B. and Belman, S.  Comparison of the effects of age and phorbol myristate acetate on the beta-adrenergic system in mouse epidermis. Mech. Age Devel., 18: 209-214, 1982.

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Segal, A. and Garte, S.J.  In vitro acylation of the epsilon amino group in calf thymus histones by the carcinogen beta-propiolactone. Chem. Biol. Interact., 15: 319-326, 1976.