Sy (Seymour) Garte, PhD in biochemistry, has been a tenured professor at New York University, Rutgers University, and the University of Pittsburgh, division director at the Center for Scientific Review of the National Institutes of Health, and interim vice president for research at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He is currently visiting professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Rutgers University. He has published over two hundred peer-reviewed scientific papers and four books.
Dr. Garte is a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) and serves as vice president for the Washington, DC, metro chapter of the ASA. He was a member of the board of advisors of the John Templeton Foundation and the board of directors of WesleyNexus, and has consulted and blogged for the BioLogos Foundation. He has published articles in Perspectives in Science and Christian Faith and elsewhere and is the editor-in-chief of God and Nature. Dr. Garte has given presentations on the intersection of biochemistry, evolution, and theology at several conferences devoted to science and Christianity. Dr Garte became a Christian later in life and is now the lay leader of the United Methodist Church in Rockville, MD, and a lay delegate to the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
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